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  • What Is CBD Oil?

    What Is CBD Oil?0

    Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid. Cannabinoids act on the body’s endocannabinoid system to regulate anxiety, mood, and appetite.1 CBD is extracted from Cannabis plants (ex., Cannabis indica, Cannabis sativa, and Cannabis ruderalis). However, the hemp plant (Cannabis ruderalis) typically contains higher quantities of CBD. CBD is then mixed with a carrier oil to make CBD

  • Less than a gram of cannabis oil

    Less than a gram of cannabis oil0

    There are only a few states left in the U.S. that have not legalized cannabis and now athletes have come out to support the use of cannabis and its benefits. Athletes are still being penalized and put under fire for their use of cannabis but is this all about to change? States such as Idaho,

  • Why CBD Oil Is Bringing Cannabis Products Mainstream

    Why CBD Oil Is Bringing Cannabis Products Mainstream0

    To push this agenda, many states across the U.S. passed laws prohibiting the plant. The first national regulation was the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. The Controlled Substances Act was introduced in the 1970s, officially outlawing any cannabis use and classifying the plant as a Schedule 1 substance. Finally, in 1996, its nearly 60-year reign