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  • What’s the Best CBD Oil? Here are 10 Solid Choices

    What’s the Best CBD Oil? Here are 10 Solid Choices0

    Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, is an increasingly popular natural remedy that’s being used to treat many common ailments. There are more than one hundred chemical compounds called cannabinoids that are all found in the cannabis plant known as Cannabis sativa. The main psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the ingredient

  • Fifth of UK adults have used CBD or cannabis oil for health, says new research

    Fifth of UK adults have used CBD or cannabis oil for health, says new research0

    Almost a fifth of British adults have used CBD or cannabis oil for medical reasons, according to polling from the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI). Sixteen per cent reported using the category, which is currently moving towards regulation under the Food Standards Agency. Additionally, 58% said it had health benefits. The survey found men

  • The Best CBD Oil Tinctures: Where to Buy CBD Oil in Texas

    The Best CBD Oil Tinctures: Where to Buy CBD Oil in Texas0

    Hemp extract products are gaining popularity more and more every day as users are finding relief. With this rapid rise in the cannabis oil trend, several manufacturers are hopping on board and making their own versions of cannabidiol extracts. Since CBD will be around long into the future, it’s up to us daily CBD-infused oil consumers