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  • What changes could Arkansas medical marijuana users see after judge nullifies law amendments?

    What changes could Arkansas medical marijuana users see after judge nullifies law amendments?0

    LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – The landscape for medical marijuana in Arkansas may soon change after a Thursday court ruling. In a Pulaski County Circuit Court ruling, Judge Morgan “Chip” Welch ruled that 27 medical marijuana acts passed by the state legislature since 2017 were null. All of those 27 laws affected Constitutional Amendment 98, which

  • Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life, Science Says

    Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life, Science Says0

    All we want is to live happy, productive, healthy lives right?  Who would have guessed cannabis could play a key role. According to observational data published in the JAMA Network Open, patients suffering from pain, cancer, anxiety, and insomnia report significant, sustained improvements in their health-related quality of life following the use of medical marijuana. Consistent with numerous other studies, authors reported patients using

  • In late rush, medical marijuana bills sent to governor

    In late rush, medical marijuana bills sent to governor0

    Lawmakers sent Gov. Kevin Stitt several significant changes to the state’s medical marijuana laws as the 59th Legislature hurried to final adjournment of its first regular session. After clearing the Senate on Thursday, Senate Bills 437 and 831 made it through the House on Friday just ahead of the gavel. SB 831 would authorize the