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Will Medical Marijuana Replace Opioids In War On Cancer?

Will Medical Marijuana Replace Opioids In War On Cancer?

President Trump recently told reporters he will likely support a congressional effort to end the federal ban on marijuana, which could finally help cut through the red tape blocking scientists from conducting large-scale trials on the benefits of medical marijuana in cancer patients. Medical marijuana is still a controversial topic when it comes to doctors

President Trump recently told reporters he will likely support a congressional effort to end the federal ban on marijuana, which could finally help cut through the red tape blocking scientists from conducting large-scale trials on the benefits of medical marijuana in cancer patients.

Medical marijuana is still a controversial topic when it comes to doctors recommending it to their cancer patients. According to new research published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, less than 30 percent of oncologists surveyed felt knowledgeable enough about medical marijuana to make recommendations.

“Its upon us as a community to re-up our skills in knowing about this aspect of supportive oncology.” – Dr. Andrew Epstein

A recent report in JAMA Internal Medicine, found a 14 percent reduction in opioid prescriptions in states that allow easy access to medical marijuana.

A 2017 research review report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine showed there was conclusive evidence that certain oral cannabinoids were effective in preventing and treating adults with chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.

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