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  • Will Hattiesburg opt out of medical marijuana? Mayor Toby Barker on the decision

    Will Hattiesburg opt out of medical marijuana? Mayor Toby Barker on the decision0

    Though the deadline for Mississippi communities to pass on allowing certain types of medical marijuana businesses to operate within their jurisdictions is fast approaching, Hattiesburg officials don’t plan to be on that list. “We have no intentions of opting out,” said Hattiesburg Mayor Toby Barker. “No council member has given any indication that that’s a

  • NJ Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Expected to Begin Legal Weed Sales

    NJ Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Expected to Begin Legal Weed Sales0

    The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission has approved seven medical marijuana businesses to sell legal weed to adults over 21 years old, reported Asbury Park Press. Thirteen dispensaries total have municipal approval from the state as of Monday. The seven companies approved by the commission include Acreage Holdings, Ascend New Jersey, Columbia Care, Curaleaf, Green

  • Austin may allow city employees to use medical marijuana

    Austin may allow city employees to use medical marijuana0

    The city of Austin may soon allow its employees to use medical marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder and other chronic conditions, officials said. Austin leaders are gathering information and recommendations from other cities on the matter, according to a March 25 memorandum from Assistant City Manager Rey Arellano to Mayor Steve Adler and the

  • Bill to legalize medical marijuana in Kentucky appears dead

    Bill to legalize medical marijuana in Kentucky appears dead0

    FRANKFORT, Ky. (WKYT) – A bill to legalize medical marijuana in Kentucky appears to be dead for the 2022 session of the General Assembly. The measure won approval in the House, but the Senate hasn’t brought it up for a vote. Advocates like Julie Cantwell say they’re furious. She says her son used to have

  • Medical marijuana may be an alternative to opioids for arthritis, back pain

    Medical marijuana may be an alternative to opioids for arthritis, back pain0

    Medical marijuana could be a viable alternative to opioid painkillers for people dealing with arthritis or chronic back pain, two new studies show. Many patients prescribed opioids for their chronic pain wound up taking fewer painkillers — or stopping them altogether — after doctors certified them for medical cannabis, said lead researcher Dr. Asif Ilyas,

  • Lawmakers debate over medical marijuana

    Lawmakers debate over medical marijuana0

    FRANKFORT, Ky. (KT) – Sen. Whitney Westerfield understands the many reasons to be afraid of the medical marijuana bill that is being debated in the General Assembly. He has concerns himself about it and said he would never be 100 percent comfortable with it. However, he is “yes” vote for Kentucky House Bill 136 –