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Medical marijuana close to hitting the shelves at dispensaries

Medical marijuana close to hitting the shelves at dispensaries

BOX ELDER, S.D. (KOTA) – Medical marijuana licenses have been distributed, cities have put in place rules and stores are popping up in communities around the area. But what’s missing? The actual marijuana THC products, but that could be ending very soon. For months stores and plans have been announced, but no THC products are

BOX ELDER, S.D. (KOTA) – Medical marijuana licenses have been distributed, cities have put in place rules and stores are popping up in communities around the area. But what’s missing? The actual marijuana THC products, but that could be ending very soon.

For months stores and plans have been announced, but no THC products are on the shelves. The state’s medical cannabis website says as of July 5 there are over 1,300 approved patient cards in South Dakota. Emmett Reistriffer of Genesis Farms says it takes time for an operational store.

“I think dispensaries can open when they best see fit, but what they’re going to need is inventory and that’s going to come from the growers and after we get our licenses, we have to go through building permits, engineering, construction, equipment ordering, and installation and it’s a number of things.

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Jason Laine

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