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Unraveling the Sleep-Enhancing Mystique of CBD Oil

Unraveling the Sleep-Enhancing Mystique of CBD Oil

In the quest for better sleep, CBD oil emerges as a promising ally. A recent Cosmopolitan article delves into the effectiveness of CBD oil in improving sleep quality. Bea Lyus, a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Resident CBD Expert at Cannabotech UK, sheds light on the subject. While scientific research is still catching up, anecdotal evidence

In the quest for better sleep, CBD oil emerges as a promising ally. A recent Cosmopolitan article delves into the effectiveness of CBD oil in improving sleep quality. Bea Lyus, a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Resident CBD Expert at Cannabotech UK, sheds light on the subject. While scientific research is still catching up, anecdotal evidence and preliminary studies suggest CBD’s potential in addressing sleep issues. CBD, a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis, is thought to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating sleep, mood, and pain. Unlike its psychoactive counterpart, THC, CBD does not induce a ‘high’, making it an appealing option for those seeking natural sleep aids. As interest in CBD’s therapeutic benefits grows, it stands as a beacon of hope for the sleep-deprived, beckoning a future where restful nights are within easier reach.

Jason Laine

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